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Bri's Books

Hello, there! My name is Brianna, but everyone calls me Bri. I'm a book lover that lives in San Francisco, CA, and I will literally read anything that I can get my hands on. My go-to genres are usually urban or epic fantasy, anything YA, classics, and popular fiction and non-fiction works. I love going to unique bookstores, and the ultimate happiness is sipping on a cup of tea or coffee, curled up on the couch in a blanket and reading a good book.

I tend to write reviews on books that I really enjoyed or books that I didn't. My reviews can sometimes be snarky and sarcastic, emotional, or just filled with love and mushiness. I'm usually just a laid-back, open-minded and friendly person, but I will get excited and fangirl about books like you wouldn't believe! I always try to be respectful of both authors and readers whose opinions are different from mine, and I love having in-depth. thoughtful book discussions. If you are a fellow book lover that is active on the site, please do not hesitate to reach out and say hi! :)


Room - Emma Donoghue The narrative of this book took a while to get used to, and I never fully embraced it. There were certain moments where it even frustrated me and I had to put the book down for a while. The story itself is emotional and very intense as it was based on real events. It is hard to come to grips with the fact that a woman being held in capativity and raped is a very real thing, and the depravities of humanity definitely come to life. I wish there was more on Ma and Jack's life after they escaped. At the end of the story, I was left with a "Wait, that's it?" feeling. It focuses on Jack, and while he is the narrator, I would have loved to see Ma come more to terms with life back on the outside. The end just wasn't conclusive enough for me.

It seems like most people either loved it or hated the book, but I just had a "meh" feeling about it. There were certain aspects I liked and others I didn't. I'm still not sold on narrations from a child's perspective, as I leave feeling like the story wasn't fully told or lacked the closure I would like. Overall, it was not a bad read but not the great read I expected.